Can Broken Pyrex Glass Be Repaired
Author: | Subject: REpairing Pyrex (borofloat) glass with soda lime glass? |
DrMario National Take a chance Posts: 332 Mood: Underpaid. | |
REpairing Pyrex (borofloat) glass with soda lime glass? Let'south say you take this nice and very large piece of laboratory glassware. Information technology was custom-fabricated a decade agone. Some a**hole hit it and caused a crack on a receptacle, which is now leaking. Repairing Pyrex drinking glass requires torches working at very high temperatures, unavailable at my institution. My thought is to use a normal bunsen torch to cook a soda lime glass tube and let it drop on the pre-heated part with the crack. The adhesion of soda lime glass on Pyrex drinking glass should exist excellent, and information technology should finer seal the crack. What practice yous ladies and gents call up of this idea? Let me add that we demand this apparatus fixed ASAP, so we don't have the time to transport information technology to a master glassblower. Just packing it up correctly, would take quite a long time. | |
MedicoBob International Take a chance Posts: 2402 Mood: No Mood | |
The thermal expansion of the ii spectacles is different, information technology volition likely crack or break upon heating. If there is only a fissure, so just heating it up plenty to partly melt the glass should fuse information technology without the demand to add more than drinking glass, I have had that done with many pyrex items in the past. Only don't try to mix spectacles. Soda will not attach to common cold Pyrex, as best as I retrieve, and if if did, it would not last once information technology cools. And just go buy a MAPP glass torch, that would liekyl get hot enough to melt Pyrex, just without annealing, the item volition never be very strong, then the torch is not nigh as key as the annealing oven. Even if you lot don't have a scientific glass blower nearby, y'all may have a fine art type glass blower with the right equipment to repair a simple crack, near have an annealing overn and know how to work glass. | |
Sulaiman International Hazard Posts: 3196 | |
I was given a Leibig condenser by a friend at work considering a chunk of glass most the water inlet was smashed off leaving a hole and several cracks. Using a butane/propane mix plumbers torch the borosilicate cracks 'healed' nicely just leaving a triangular hole about 1cm beyond. I used a piece of soda-lime glass which softened so melted nicely to seal the hole .... cute slowly cooling down fine cracks accompanied by a horrible crackling sound, unrecoverable damage. Then I can confirm that; A) I am an idiot, I knew of the problem but idea I'd endeavor anyway B) the dissimilar coefficients of thermal expansion are VERY of import C) a plumber'southward butane/propane mix torch is hot enough to melt borosilicate enough to 'heal' cracks. Torch used Gas used not much of a loss as both of us use Quickfit and this was an old style that uses bungs & tubing just information technology may take had some use. and I didn't want to sacrifice any of my existing borosilicate glassware. Lesson learned. [Edited on 5-3-2015 by Sulaiman] | |
DoctorBob International Chance Posts: 2402 Mood: No Mood | |
Besides, you lot can find borosilicate pipettes and they might work to help make full a cleft, simply if it is just a crack, there should be no need to fill it. The biggest risk is that if you don't rut it slowly and cool information technology slowly, the stress will build upward and if non annealed, information technology might eventually crack. But I accept done small repairs without annealing, and they survived. What I practice however is heat the area slowly and evenly, do the repair, then gently keep the expanse warm and slowly move the heat abroad so the surface area cools slowly. Information technology is tough to do well, simply even a little fleck if gentle flame annealing can help. If the crack is not exposed to solvents, y'all could even effort a windshield crack repair kit, which uses cyanoacrylates, but you said information technology is leaking, and then I presume that it sees solvent. | |
MyNameIsUnnecessarilyLong Hazard to Self Posts: 71 Mood: No Mood | |
I wonder if sodium silicate (waterglass) could piece of work to finish leaks in drinking glass. | |
careysub International Hazard Posts: 1339 Mood: Lowest quantum state | |
I've wondered the aforementioned thing on this site, but got no replies. Still wondering. All the same, I am pretty sure it could only be used on something that did not feel bully temperature variations. (My case was the return tube of a Soxhlet extractor, which I would only use with low BP solvents.) I have seen information technology recommended that in the absence of an annealing oven, immersing a glass piece in a container of dry perlite (thus slowing cooling) tin help (I would lay it on a bed of perlite, and dump more perlite on top). Preheating the perlite in a regular kitchen oven might assistance too. | |
IrC International Adventure Posts: 2710 Mood: Discovering | |
I think Kaowool is better than perlite at keeping glass from cooling rapidly. Information technology is available in several forms from thick pads to fiberboard but the fluffy form as in the image is what I utilize. I offset tried it later on Fleaker sent me a large box full and I would never go back to anything else when I wanted to proceed drinking glass cooling every bit slowly as possible. I use a big piece to lay hot glass on and cover with a similar slice. Completely blankets the drinking glass, Kaowool is light so very delicate drinking glass is quite safe. A large box with a lid and two large pieces of Kaowool works better than anything else I have tried. "Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" Richard Feynman | |
DrMario National Hazard Posts: 332 Mood: Underpaid. | |
I am not aware of borosilicate pipettes? Only soda-lime glass pipettes. At that place may be some graduated glass pipettes that are really borofloat, but they are commonly quite large. This container only sees aqueous solutions, simply at loftier temperatures (over 120C). | |
Texium Administrator Posts: 3745 Mood: Triturated | |
I've seen borosilicate glass stirring rods for sale. I bought some for most 50¢ apiece once. You lot could definitely apply one of those to patch the fissure, no need to ruin an expensive pipette. | |
DrMario National Take chances Posts: 332 Mood: Underpaid. | |
I just remembered that I have a few broken borofloat wafers (with some patterned metal on top, which I tin can easily compose away). OK, adjacent step is to find a MAPP torch. | |
Texium Administrator Posts: 3745 Mood: Triturated | |
Perhaps to assist it anneal you could gently wave it through a cooler propane torch for a while, and effort to allow information technology set properly. It wouldn't be as skillful as a proper annealing oven, but it would exist something. | |
DrMario National Take chances Posts: 332 Mood: Underpaid. | |
Roger that, zts16. | |
WGTR International Hazard Posts: 954 Mood: Outline | |
My ain two¢: For almost $fifty-100 of firebrick, a ramp-soak PID controller, and about $10 of Kanthal, one can amalgamate all the glass that ane'southward heart desires. I would like to agree that thermal expansion coefficients are quite important in glass work. I had a terrible fourth dimension joining soda-lime tubing to soda-lime exam tubes. The joints would scissure without fail. Come up to find out, even soda-lime glass among dissimilar venders can have different expansion rates. At least Boro is more user friendly in that the expansion coefficient is less. If 1 has some broken glassware from the aforementioned vender lying around (and non "weathered" too badly), that might be an ideal source of filler material if it is needed for the repair. Lab drinking glass repair is an art form, though, and takes practise. I wouldn't hazard ruining an expensive piece of lab ware unless I had practiced on a lot of other pieces offset. | |
bb wooster Harmless Posts: 1 Mood: No Mood | |
Borosilicate How-do-you-do all, I haven't been on this forum before but got here due to this thread. I haven't done lab type glass work before merely have used 3/4" borosilicate rods in some fine art pieces. I heated them using our oxy-acetylene torches and we didn't amalgamate them. They are about 15 years old and have never broken. Did I but get lucky or is it because they are thicker than the sparse walls of lab blazon glass? I'chiliad asking considering I have a projection that calls for some thicker (ane 1/4" diameter) rods to be bent and although we have an old kiln now that could be used if shorter, these pieces are going to exist shut to 6' in length. I don't know of anyone anywhere nigh me that has a kiln big enough to accommodate them. Thanks for any communication noesis yous tin laissez passer along. | |
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